
Grant Awarded to Regent Park Board

RDFC has recently granted $1,500 to the Regent Park District. Funds will go towards installing two pickle ball courts in the Regent slab area on Main Street.

Grant Awarded Regent ND Park Board North DakotaThe Broadband Association of North Dakota (BAND) is a member of the Rural Development Finance Corporation (RDFC). Every year, BAND chooses projects to support that are submitted through their member cooperatives. This year one of the cooperatives that BAND has chosen to support is Consolidated. RDFC is making these funds available in order that more people become aware of their larger loan program that funds community-based projects and non-profit entities with low interest loans. RDFC has recently granted $1,500 to the Regent Park District. Funds will go towards installing two pickle ball courts in the Regent slab area on Main Street.

The Rural Development Finance Corporation (RDFC) is a nonprofit corporation that encourages economic diversification and community vitality through the generation of funding that supports sustainable asset building. Funding for RDFC programs comes from fee income generated by Dakotas America LLC, a community development entity providing New Market Tax Credits in economically distressed census tracks across the United States. The North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives provides support to RDFC. For an application, assistance, or questions concerning RDFC, please contact Lori Capouch at 701-667-6444 or


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